On 05/21/2010 01:53 PM, Claudio Cairoli wrote:

I'm trying to install Tcl/tk 8.4.2 on a 64-bit Linux machine, and the installation of tcl 
went fine, however when trying to install tk at first I got the error message 
"X11/Xlib.h" not found. I looked for it in the X11 directory at it wasn't 
there. I
found out that as part of the tk installation there was a directory "xlib" which contained 
"X11/Xlib.h" that fixed that error, but now I am getting "Xproto.h" and "Xresource.h" 
Where are these files supposed to be and how do I get them?

They should be in /usr/include/X11/.  My linux distribution puts Xresource.h 
and Xlib.h
in the libX11 package, and Xproto.h in a separate package named xproto 
(contains only
header files).

Many distributions put header files in separate packages with the suffix "dev" or 
in the package name, e.g. libX11-dev or something similar.

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