On 05/30/2010 01:17 PM, Nix wrote:
On 30 May 2010, Justin Mattock verbalised:
[ 12701.506] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so
failed (/usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so: undefined symbol:
my switches are these:

  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
--disable-ipv6   --enable-secure-rpc  --enable-gallium-radeon
--enable-selinux --enable-glx-tls  --enable-64-bit  --enable-gles2
--enable-opengl  --enable-gl-osmesa

am I missing something with a switch for mesa or somewhere else?

If you have --enable-glx-tls in the server configure switches,
you need it in the Mesa configure switches too, and vice versa.

alright!! I know mesa has it enabled, I must
have missed a lib somewhere..


Justin P. Mattock
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