what     |  web   |  guis
style     |  css   |  program calls gui toolkit*
structure |  html  |  program calls gui toolkit**
behaviour |  js    |  program shows different parts when it
                  |  gets callbacks; calling gui toolkit
correctness| js    |  program has ifs in signal callbacks
backend   | server |  some tier separate from the gui code (hopefully)

You might be interested in the SeedKit project [0] which provide a way to define the UI of an application in pure standard web technologies while accessing lower level systems (dbus services, GObject inyrospected libraries, native code). In a SeedKit view you can both bind DOM events to native code and native signals (in the GObject termology) to javascript handlers manipulating the DOM tree.

SeedKit is currently looking for contributors, users and tester, so if you have some time, have a look at it :)

[0] http://live.gnome.org/SeedKit

Happy Coding,

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