vijay singh schrieb:
> On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 13:11 +0300, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
>> vijay singh <> writes:
>>> I would like to know is their any document available which will explain
>>> about X-architecture.  
>> Even just gives a rough 
>> overview.
>>> if i want to add any new X-client then what is the way.
>> Things like evolution and firefox usually work as X clients on
>> gnu/linux. You can take a look at them or google for "GTK hello world"
>> or "QT hello world" to get something simpler.
> Thanks for the info..
> If i want to build test filesystem for new HW (In my case it is
> ARM11)where some basics X-client (xterm,xeyes..) should work, in this
> case how i should configure X to work.
> If more details about what all kernel dependency, how X can be test will
> be helpful.

This is a bold goal,
what you need is a driver for you particular chipset.

IMHO the most easy way to start is to setup a framebuffer (see: man xvfb).
this way you can use X11 from remote and you are sure that the
related libs are working. Then you may need an driver for your particular
hardware, see other how the other driver work and you are next to ready.

later you may want to add the driver to the linux kernel to make use of
the KMS infrastructure, see related information LKML.

good luck,
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