Dnia wtorek, 2 listopada 2010, Phil Savoie napisał:
> I understand that xorg will probe the device in the absence of an
> xorg.conf file and use the most appropriate driver.  But... what did it
> choose?  Why did it not choose the intel driver as on initial install? I
> would have expected another black screen, like on initial install.

Check the Xorg log file, then you'll now, which driver had been chosen. By 
the way, as far as I know, now there is only one intel driver, there is no 
distinction between i810, i915 or i965 (I cannot see it in my distro).
Łukasz Maśko                                           GG:   2441498    _o)
Lukasz.Masko(at)ipipan.waw.pl                                           /\\
Registered Linux User #61028                                           _\_V
Ubuntu: staroafrykańskie słowo oznaczające "Nie umiem zainstalować Debiana"
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