Am 16.11.10, 19:21 -0500 schrieb Matt Turner:
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann <> wrote:
ATI and Nvidia ship separate version of, for Linux and probably for
other operating systems. Now I want to make a Live media with
"out of the box" fantastic OpenGL support for a wide range of
graphic cards.

Is the replacement by vendors of libGL something dictated by the
architecture of Xorg or the OpenGL spec? What are good solutions to switch
the library on the fly?

(That written, I admire the efforts to bring open sourced GL drivers on the
table. But artists need for work horse graphics really fast drivers.
Otherwise coe in danger to simply switch the platform.)

Can you legally redistribute ATI/Nvidia's binary drivers?

Back in the Xgl days, someone made a LiveCD to show off the spinning
cube, and in order to make this work distributed the drivers on the
CD. I think they realized (or were told?) that they weren't really
supposed to do that and stopped making the CD.

It's pretty pedantic, but.
says under 7.1 NVIDIA-INSTALLER
Why does NVIDIA not provide RPMs?
"... These repackaged NVIDIA drivers are likely to inter-operate best with the Linux distribution's package management technology. For this reason, NVIDIA encourages users to use their distribution's repackaged NVIDIA driver, where available."

AMD Software End User License Agreement
"(d) In addition to the license terms above, with respect to portions of the Software in source code or binary form designed exclusively for use with the Linux operating system ("AMD Linux Code"), you may use, display, modify, copy, distribute, allow others to re-distribute, package and repackage such AMD Linux Code for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided that:"

So I read this as, redistribution is fine with at least Nvidia and AMD.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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