On 3/28/11 2:40 PM, tsuraan wrote:
I'm having this really bizarre and annoying problem lately with my X
install (running KDE4.6 on top).  I'll be using my computer without
problems, and then I will be unable to open any new windows.  If I go
into an already-open terminal and attempt to run xeyes (or anything
else), I get this message:

tsuraan@localhost ~ $ xeyes
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0

Almost certainly what's happened is:

- your sole authentication method to the server is xauth cookies
- your xauth cookie record contains the hostname
- your hostname changed

Comparing the output of 'xauth list' and 'hostname' when this happens would be enlightening.

But the better change is to use xhost +si:localuser:$(id -un) instead of xauth.

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