On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:36:41PM +0200, roman wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a tablet and i want to use an external monitor that covers
> just a part of the screen. This is no problem concering xrandr as i
> can set a scale and a position.
> The problem is with the pen. The pen core pointer is automatically
> postioned the right way - even in this situation. But no
> transformation matrix whatsoever is set in the xinput settings for
> the device.
> Sounds nice BUT I want to use direct xinput for using xournal.
> So i would like to modify the Transformation matrix. If i do so the
> xinput can be set to be in line with the monitors - but then the
> core pointer is wrong.
> How is the xinput transformed into postions on screen for the core pointer?
> Is there any way to get infos on the transformation that takes place?
> Is it possible to modify it?

I don't quite understand. Changing the device matrix should also change the
XI coordinates and map them into the same range. What isn't working here?
Does xournal scale somehow differently again?

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