On Mit, 2011-10-12 at 10:08 +0200, jarek wrote: 
> I have installed Xorg (version 7.6) with radeon driver. It works fine,
> but there is no video in text console After Ctrl+Alt+F1 monitors goes
> off. Also after exit from X there is no video - system is still
> operational, I can blindly start X again.
> Before X text console works fine.


> [   267.157] (II) [KMS] drm report modesetting isn't supported.

Are you intentionally disabling KMS? If not, does it work better with
KMS enabled (e.g. via radeon.modeset=1 on the kernel command line, and
making sure the radeon kernel module is loaded before X starts)?

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |                   http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer
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