On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 05:41:42PM +0100, Chris Beetham wrote:
> Hello
> Would appreciate some advice if possible - there is a longer
> description available at the link below.
> Essentially, I cannot get a current Linux distribution to work on my
> Compaq CQ56 laptop. Ubuntu 10.04 lts works lovely but trying a newer
> distribution seems to cause problems irrespective id the
> desktop/distro used.
> The error in xorg.log is attached below - see line highlighted with
> asterisks.
> Currently dual booting Mint 14 Cinnamon and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and
> latter is as dependable as ever. Mint 14 however has problems - for
> no discernible reason the error crops up, sometimes quickly
> sometimes after an hour or two. The mouse begins to slow and then
> crawl around screen - think this would be described as latency -
> stop the mouse and cursor keeps moving and is difficult to control.
> Then it all disappears only to reappear later.
> Tried Mint, Mageia, OpenSuse and few others together with kDE, XFCE,
> Mate, Cinnamon and the problem always appears.
> Gues what I am hoping for is at least a pointer in right direction
> if thats possible.

The Xorg.log doesn't provide much clue, but at least it does rule out
many contributing factors. Given the description of the problem, I would
first check for swap thrashing and a memory leak. Or perhaps the
Xorg.log is from before the problem is evident, in which case maybe
resend the dmesg and Xorg.log.

Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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