On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:24 AM,  <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:
> Alex Deucher wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:56 AM,  <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:
>>> Alex Deucher wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:26 AM,  <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:
>>>>> Well, I posted this a week ago. Does *anyone* have any suggestions as
>>>>> to what I need to do with my xorg.conf to get my user back to normal?
>>> <snip>
>>>> Did you try Dave's suggestion?  Does it work correctly using randr
>>>> before you try the legacy screen based multi-head setup?
>>> Which was that, to try to bring up X with no xorg.conf file? I did that
>>> days before I posted; that was an obvious thing to try. No, that didn't
>>> work, it left me, IIRC, with one screen. Xorg --configure reported it
>>> had failed, showed four monitors (?), and left me with both lit, but one
>>> completely unreachable.
>> Bring up X without an xorg.conf and use xrandr or the gnome monitors
>> control panel to enable multi-head.  E.g.,
>> xrandr --auto
>> xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --right-of DisplayPort-1
>> etc.
>> Make sure that works first before trying to use zaphod mode.
> Wait - zaphod mode? I've never seen or used that, and my user has heard of
> it, but thought that was for multiple keyboards and mice, but one display.
> We just want the two monitors to act as one large screen.

You can do that with xrandr.  In fact xrandr is the preferred way to
handle that.  zaphod (screen based multi-head config in your
xorg.conf) is for independent multi-head (where you can't drag windows
between monitors) or for multi-card multi-head and is not as well
tested or supported as xrandr.

>> Post the output of xandr without an xorg.conf here if that doesn't work.
> You mean xrandr -q?

just xrandr or xrandr --verbose

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