Dnia piątek, 8 maja 2015 15:45:10 aiv...@latnet.lv pisze:
> Hi,
> My simple script
> #!/bin/bash
> IN="LVDS1"
> EXT="VGA1"
> case "$1" in
>      on)
>          xrandr --output $IN --off --output $EXT --auto
>          ;;
>      1440)
>          xrandr --output $IN --off --output $EXT --mode 1440x900
>          ;;
>      1280)
>          xrandr --output $IN --off --output $EXT --mode 1280x1024
>          ;;
>      off)
>          xrandr --output $EXT --off --output $IN --auto
>          ;;
>      *)
>          echo "Usage: $0 {on/off}\n"
>          exit 2
> esac
> Said, at work display is 1280x1024
> You did:
> vga on
> You go at home where display is 1440x900
> vga 1440
> You go back to work
> vga 1280
> You go to cafee
> vga off

Thanks. I already have a similar script (even invoked in the same way), even 
more automatic. It scans the list of currently available modes and selects 
the highest available. I have it connected with a hot key. And the point is, 
that if the list of modes is invalid, it cannot work properly. I can still 
type manually vga 1280 at work, but it's not how I like it to be.

By the way - although it is not changing anything - I'm not disabling the 
internal screen, I'm just attaching additional external screen.
Łukasz Maśko                                                            _o)
Lukasz.Masko(at)ipipan.waw.pl                                           /\\
Registered Linux User #61028                                           _\_V
Ubuntu: staroafrykańskie słowo oznaczające "Nie umiem zainstalować Debiana"

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