Dnia czwartek, 24 marca 2016 12:12:34 martin f krafft pisze:
> Hello,
> I have a new Radeon R9 390 card, driving three monitors, two on
> DisplayPort and one on DVI, in this order from left to right:

Wow! I mean, great - I'm not the only one to spot such weird behavior. In my 
case, I observed pretty weird screen flickers, also with the main screen. But 
in my case, it's about Intel HD graphics 5500. The main screen eDP1 is the 
FullHD interlan dislay, while external DP1 was FullHD Samsung SyncMaster 2270.
I oserved it twice. At the first time, it disapeared after I switched off the 
external display with xrandr (after restoring it, the flicker did not reappea. 
Second time was just today, but it just settled after few seconds and few 
mouse movements. I don't understand it.
Łukasz Maśko                                                            _o)
Lukasz.Masko(at)ipipan.waw.pl                                           /\\
Registered Linux User #61028                                           _\_V
Ubuntu: staroafrykańskie słowo oznaczające "Nie umiem zainstalować Debiana"

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