On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Eric Gunther <egunt...@warwick.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-12-12 at 14:39 -0500, Long Vu wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Eric Gunther <egunt...@warwick.net>
>> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 2016-12-12 at 13:51 -0500, Long Vu wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't know if this will help, but previously adam had said:
>> >
>> > > How are you launching Xvfb? I believe it defaults to 8bpp, but
>> > > GLX
>> > only
>> > > works at 16 or 32bpp.
>> >
>> > which I think you hadn't tried yet.
>> >
>> Well I did with
>> xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1024x768x24 +extension GLX +iglx' <command>
>> I though the adding x24 to the screen is what Adam meant.
>> If I miss understood, kindy point out to me because I am not familiar
>> with X server options.
>> Thanks.
> Again, don't know, but it would seem as though the 24 is the depth.
> As you have referred to bpp before, I assume that is what you mean.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_depth
> According to the man page for xvfb
> https://www.x.org/archive/current/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml
> "
> −screen screennum WxHxD
> This option creates screen screennum and sets its width, height, and
> depth to W, H, and D respectively. By default, only screen 0 exists and
> has the dimensions 1280x1024x8.
> "
> Where the last number is the depth.  Previously Adam mentioned that GLX
> only works at 16 or 32.  I just noticed an inconsistency.  It would
> seem feasible to try that command if xvfb-run takes the switches xvfb
> does. I am thinking;
> xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1024x768x32'
>           or
> xvfb-run -s 'screen 0 1024x768x16'
> If you follow what I am saying.

I tried xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1280x1024x16', same error.

Thanks all for the help.  For now I will simply have to ignore that
specific error.

I also take note about Xdummy from Xpra and VirtualGL as alternative
if I really need them.

As for recompiling the Xvfb package myself to enable GL, I'd pass
because I would rather not have to maintain a package each time there
is a new release.

Again, a great thanks to all.

Long Vu | Build Controller | Intelerad | +1-514-931-6222 ext. 7743


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