On pondělí 26. února 2018 15:21:17 CET Sylvain Leroux wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> Thanks to your answer and by studying the /usr/bin/startx script on my
> system, things are much more clear now.
> On 02/22/2018 05:16 PM, Michal Srb wrote:
> >> 3) Are Xorg and Xephyr handling xauth the same way?
> >> ================================================ I'm using both a
> >> genuine Xorg server and Xephyr.
> >> 
> >> Are both of them consistent in their way to handle xauth
> >> authorizations?
> > 
> > I think yes.
> I can't see a "-auth" option in the Xephyr man page. So, do you you know
> against what it checks incoming client credentials? I suspect it
> will use the process owner's ~/.Xauthority file but I'm not sure...

The manual page of Xephyr says "The server accepts all the standard options of 
Xserver(1) and the following additional options". And manual page of Xserver 
has the "-auth" option.

Also Xephyr -help shows the -auth option.

If the -aith is not set, it won't use any auth file and let any client in.

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