Dear Ilya, dear all,

Thanks again for this important remark.

My ~/.XCompose file is then the following:

<i_breve_below> : "i̯"
<u_breve_below> : "u̯"
<i_wtdot_ring_above> : "ı͗"
<I_ring_above> : "I͗"
<c_caron_dot_below> : "č̣"
<C_caron_dot_below> : "Č̣"
<s_macron_below> : "s̱"
<S_macron_below> : "S̱"
<H_macron_below> : "H̱"
<h_circumf_below> : "h̭"
<H_circumf_below> : "H̭"

My /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB is the following:

i_breve_below           :100050F5
u_breve_below           :100050F6
i_wtdot_ring_above      :100050F7
I_ring_above            :100050F8
c_caron_dot_below       :100050F9
C_caron_dot_below       :100050FA
s_macron_below          :100050FB
S_macron_below          :100050FC
H_macron_below          :100050FD
h_circumf_below         :100050FE
H_circumf_below         :100050FF

and in my keyboard layout I have tried in a first time with:

key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1, i_breve_below, U032F ] };

and afterwards i a second time with

key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1, U100050F5, U032F ] };

The keyboard is working but the i_breve_below or U100050F5 is not working (I still have this xev when I type on the ampersand key + the AltGr modifier:

KeyRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x4e00001,
    root 0x168, subw 0x0, time 2120434, (-409,14), root:(142,282),
    state 0x4090, keycode 10 (keysym 0xb9, onesuperior), same_screen YES,
    XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 49
    XLookupString gives 2 bytes: (c2 b9) "¹"
    XFilterEvent returns: False

I do not see where the problem is now...

It could be helpful if some one has a key.

Thanks again and sorry for bothering you with that.



Le 13/03/2019 à 11:56, Ilya Anfimov a écrit :
  (Well,  I'm suspecting that I shouldn't disorient your work with
that comment about numerology and last numbers).

  I'd better take something like 0x10005001 - 0x100050FF

  Also, 8-bit was about character names -- your  fancy
i without dot  and  c with caron, better spell keysyms
with it like i_without_dot_ring_above and c_with_caron_dot_below,
and not include  unicode symbols with values over 0x7F
in keysym names.
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