While using xfontsel 1.06, I noticed that it copies to the PRIMARY
buffer in a non-standard way
where certain applications aren't able to read the contents of PRIMARY
after the 'select' button is pressed.

For example, `xautosel -s PRIMARY -verbose -debug` does not print
anything after the select button is pressed,
and although `xclip -o` reports the font string in the buffer, programs
like st (suckless terminal) and firefox can't
read the font string unless `xclip -o | xclip -i` is run as a
workaround, another shell-level workaround being `xfontsel -print | xsel

Certain programs like xterm, gvim , and leafpad are able to read PRIMARY
however, and other 'classic' X tools like Xedit
do not exhibit this behaviour, so I believe there is a bug in the select
button code in xfontsel.


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