
I have forked the suckless st terminal (because of simplicity) for my
artistic needs. I do some livecoding stuff with kinda ascii art in it. (
vimeo <https://vimeo.com/656637692>)

I have added OSC <https://opensoundcontrol.stanford.edu/index.html> control
to be able to change some parameters on the fly (characters printed,
speed,  colors etc.)

My problem:
st terminal has implemented functionality to change its font size on some
keyboard shortcut and it works (ctrl + shift + {PgUp, PgDown}). When I bind
the same function to my custom OSC hook (to be able remotely change font
size) it fails with error msg:

X Error of failed request:  RenderBadGlyphSet (invalid GlyphSet parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  139 (RENDER)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  20 (RenderAddGlyphs)
  GlyphSet id in failed request: 0x4400031
  Serial number of failed request:  25116
  Current serial number in output stream:  25143

What is strange is that it fails on cca 90% times. Sometimes, really
sometimes it works. I think I am missing something of X innards. Do you
anybody know where I should look ?


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