Hi All,

I am not subscribed, let me know if I need to, to post a question.

I have difficulties to select my text with a mouse (cut/paste) at a line
start, and in a less extend to a midlle line char. I got the filling that
to select a start char on a line you must be 'close' to its left edge, my
font are small, and the window manager have a fuzzy area on the edge to be
able to grab the thin window border (resize), i.e the window border spill
over the char start, making it almost impossible to cut the 1st char of the
line in one shot, the work around is to activate the window my clicking on
it the window manager release the fuzzy area and now you can select the
text still with the same difficutlies as middle line chars.

For middle line char you got to be close to the left edge of a char to cut
it, beeing closer to the left edge miss the cut.

Here is with a drawing what I feel.

A char drawing area.
  ^   ^   ^
  |   |   +--<-- Click here miss the selection (next char is selected as
select start)
  |   +--<---<-- Ditto
  +--<---<---<-- Success

My question is, is there an X option (setup) to define where in a char you
got to be to make the select a success even if you are closer to the right
part of a char.

If not settable how hard would it be to make a local patch ?
I am ignorant regarding the X11 code, don't know how hard/easy it is to
build on linux, where to start looking for that.

Thanx in advance for your help


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