On 5/14/23 00:30, h3140067568 wrote:
I am a Linux developer from China. I encountered an error while compiling xorg-1.12.2 version of the development project. The error comes from the sdksyms. c file in xfree86 under the hw file in the project, which prompts sdksyms. c: 324:15: error: expected expression before ',' token (void *) &,                                                  /* ../../ include/os.h:93 */

xorg-1.12.2 was released in May 2012, and superseded by 1.12.3 in July 2012.
It has not been supported in any way in many years, and I don't know of anyone
still building it today.

It appears that the hw/xfree86/sdksyms.sh script generated an invalid sdksyms.c
file for you.  It worked for others at the time the release was made, so you
could try to figure out what is different in your environment vs. what was used
then, or look for later changes applied to that file to see if they help.

Of course, upgrading the entire X server to a newer version that is still used
by others would be a great choice as well, but I don't know why you're stuck
on an 11 year old release to know if you can do that.

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris

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