
>> I have these initializations for the I2C and the Gpio pins:
>> """
>> I2cMaster2::initialize<systemClock, 100000>();
>> GpioB10::connect(I2cMaster2::Scl);
>> GpioB11::connect(I2cMaster2::Sda);
>> """
>> Do I need anything else?
> No, although we usually do SDA connect, SCL connect, I2cMaster initialize.
> Reason:
> On SCL connect 9 clock strobes are sent which allow all slaves to release SDA 
> if held low.
> (See xpcc::I2c::resetDevices() in architecture/interface/i2c.hpp for details).
> But that shouldn't result in the problems you have.

Turns out this was actually the problem! I reordered the
initialization the way you suggested and it just started working. I'll
probably be back with more questions soon... :)
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