On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 10:12:54PM +0200, Matthias Dahl wrote:
> Hey there...                                      ]) powered by Linux 2.4.8 ([

> I have run into a problem and I hope some of you  guys  can  help  me  out. :)
> Thanks in advance for your help and time!

> Is it possible to do some vsync synchronization with the XVideo (or any other)
> extension?
I vaguely remember that for mga you can use /dev/mga_vid. I think there is a
generic interface somewhere in X but don't know where.

> I need this for proper video output.  Yet  I  could  not  find  any hint
> about any function in the X documentation. If this isn't implemented yet, is
> there any other way to synchronize the video output with the vsync?
What card do you have?

> So long, Matt   ]) [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG key available at public keyservers ([
gpg --send-key [EMAIL PROTECTED] --keyserver certserver.pgp.com
or better yet, define a keyserver in ~/.gnupg/options, then gpg will download
automagically any keys if necessary, works well under mutt too.


Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023


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