On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Terje J. Hanssen wrote:

> Hello,
> Is the Internet solution 'Xweb' browser plugin implemented in XFree86 -
> if not, why not?
> http://www.opengroup.org/press/31mar98.htm

   I've never heard of it before.  But as far as I can tell it's just
a new name for a group of extensions that XFree86 supports or did
support at one time.  Don't know about the Remote Execution anymore.
Used to work back in 3.3.x days, but aside from IBM's demo where
you got to play chess against BigBlue with Netscape's plugin I
never saw anything else use it.  My impression was that it was
all forgotten.  

   Maybe Kaleb or somebody could give us a clue (if he's still
around, that is).  I see his name on some X-Web info on the web:



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