I'm putting together a large network of X terminals, and I have the
opportunity to pick any card I want for the several nodes.

This question is asked very frequently on the newbie list, and we
see a lot of opinions.
Which are/is the video card(s) that are considered or found to be
the most reliable, when it comes to XFree86?
Here I mean that all other factors like additional featues, multihead
support, AA, super high resolutions etc, take the back seat as
compared to pure reliablity and compatibility as factors. Also
It should be relatively inexpensive.

This is very different from, say using X at home, where one spends
a lot of time on trying to get the best out of one's own hardware -
Thats really a lot of fun and all, but
Here a card is needed that would work in the most simple, predicatble,
staightforward and reliable manner - It would not be possible for me
to work out issues with X if there are any minor problems, as I'd have
other things to do, and would be on the site very long.

I wanted to try as many cards and configurations such as mother boards,
different X-server versions, etc but I've been only limited to (or have
only been exposed so far to) :

Matrox G200 8MB SDRAM
S3 Virge GX/2
SiS 6326 - 4MB AGP
Trident 975

That's not at all a lot... And its not possible to keep buying and trying
out hardware... Most sites mention only the latest cards, but those may
be too costly for this sort of application.

I only require a resolution of 1024x786 at 75hz+ refresh rate.

The Matrox works well, and I am very fond of the S3 Vge Gx2, which
was very reliable with 3.3.x, though I'm not yet confident of using it
with 4.1.x other than at home.

An option is to use 3.3.x itself, but what card has been the best so far
as 4.1.x is concerned?

Or where can I get good reports about this?


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