
anyone here with i815 chip/notebook (or maybe i810) having trouble
with playing videos with aviplay ?

using both XFree86 4.1.0 from SuSE and 4.1.99. from CVS I got 
the same problem: the X server crashes when starting aviplay
displaying some *.avi divx movie.

here is the traceback:

(gdb) where
#0  0x842385e in ?? ()
#1  0x8399a51 in ?? ()
#2  0x80a9b24 in xf86XVPutImage ()
#3  0x8299b28 in ?? ()
#4  0x82a00ba in ?? ()
#5  0x829e389 in ?? ()
#6  0x80b3ae7 in Dispatch ()
#7  0x80c4b0b in main ()
#8  0x40077c6f in __libc_start_main ()

(gdb) p LoaderPrintSymbol (0x842385e)
0x8423824 XAAFillSolidRects+0x3a
        Module "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libxaa.a:xaaFillRect.o"

(gdb) p LoaderPrintSymbol (0x8399a51)
0x8398868 I810PutImage+785
        Module "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o"

(gdb) p LoaderPrintSymbol (0x8299b28)
0x8299a38 XvdiPutImage+0xf0

(gdb) p LoaderPrintSymbol (0x82a00ba)
0x829e3fc SProcXvDispatch+0x1cbe

(gdb) p LoaderPrintSymbol (0x829e389)
0x829e1c0 ProcXvDispatch+0x1c9

I810PutImage() in i810_video.c calls XAAFillSolidRects()
when then tries to call (*infoRec->SetupForSolidFill).
the server dies in "call   *%eax" with eax==0, 
but SubsequentSolidFillRect should be initialized in I810AccelInit().

any idea (or chance to debug/trace?) what's wrong ?

maybe I get another chance to debug that box somewhen later this week
(don't have regular access to that notebook:(


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