
I've been searching through the archives at marc.theaimsgroup.com to
find a solution to a problem I've been having with X displaying through
an ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY chip. I've put together a solution from
various postings as follows:

1. Do a CVS checkout from the current XFree86 tree:
        (via ssh as described on XFree's site)
        cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs checkout xc
   (my checkout was on October 25, 2001)

2. Edit the source for the radeon driver:
   (as suggested by Andy Sparrow in his email of 2001-10-08)
   the driver is at
   the function in question is RadeonGetDFPInfo, at the
   this is what I added at line 2017:
        case 1: info->PanelXRes = 1400;
                info->PanelYRes = 1050;

3. Edit the xc/config/cf/site.def file to include near the bottom:
   (as suggested by Mike Harris in a couple of emails, specifically, one
from 2001-10-04)
   #define ModuleCFlags $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) -fno-merge-constants

   also, if you're using Linux (I'm running RedHat 7.2), and locales
aren't set up (read the INSTALL file at xc/INSTALL-X.org), you'll need
to add the following line to the site.def file:
    #define LinuxLocaleDefines  -DX_LOCALE
   (I put it right before the above addition, but it shouldn't matter

4. As I said, I'm running RedHat 7.2, so I had to do the following, you
may not have to:
        rm /etc/X11/xkb
        rm /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
   (they were linked to each other - I'm not sure if that's from
something I did or not)

5. Compile.  Make sure you're in the top of the XFree86 tree (xc/), then
issue the following command:
        make World >& world.log
   (This could take awhile, depending on your hardware. Expect to be
able to get a bite to eat, etc.)

        tail world.log, if you get a successful message, you're good to go.

        make install >& install.log

6. Check your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.  Mine looks a lot like Brian
Lavender's from 2001-09-21.  It works for me.

7. Try it out: startx

   If it doesn't work, check your log (/var/log/XFree86.0.log) and see
if it's something simple to change.

Have fun!  I hope that this helps anyone who's been having the same
problem as me.  By the way, I'm running this on a Dell Latitude C610.

- Dimitri
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