On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 08:12:58AM -0800, Nate Smith wrote:
> Yes, I get it now.


> Unfortuneately I don't know of an existing solution.

Yeah, I was fearing that.

> Those of us with 3 heads

It just takes two to have the need.  I guess most people use Xinerama.
I would gladly use it if I could specify which screens to bind
together.  I understand there is something down the pipe (a long ways
down the pipe unfortunately) that will solve this problem.

> on a machine are pretty few relative to the
> total population of coders so far..  this is the sort of thing that
> only gets scratched when there's an itch, so it's up to you and me ;)

Yeah, I hear ya.  I have to get my PVR finished first though.  And
then there is the migration of all of my disks to LVM...  And then
finishing the "rootfs on LVM" in the Mandrake Linux installer...

God help me when I find work.  :-)


Brian J. Murrell
Xpert mailing list

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