"David Epelboim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm running Red Hat 7.2 and it installs XFree86 3.3.6a and
> apparently 4.1.0 too but I cannot run 4.1.0, I have tried customs
> installs and it keeps installing 3.3.6a
> Does anyone knows how can I force it to install 4.1.0 or how can I
> make it run in 4.1.0 if it is already installed? (the GnoRPM shows
> 4.1.0 package installed)

I very much doubt you _don't_ have XFree86-4.1.0 installed.
Running 'rpm -q XFree86'. Will show you the version of your
main XFree86. 

We do ship the XFree86-3.3.6 servers as well, since there are
some old graphics cards that are still not supported well by 
XFree86-4.1.x. The only reason that the installer or 
XConfigurator would be setting up an XFree86-3.3.6 server
for you would be if you had such a card.

You may be able to force the issue with:

 Xconfigurator --preferxf4

Which tells it to use the 4.1.0 server even if it doesn't think
it will work as well as the 3.3.6 server. 


[ Are you sure that it is running 3.3.6? `xdpyinfo` is the
  best way of figuring out what is running - you should
  see a line like 'XFree86 Version: 4.1.0' ]
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