Title: WG: [Xpert]Trident Cyber9397, 4MB gives wrong colors

Still no news, anybody help please! ;-(

Should I try to use XFree v3.something ?

I'm really confused, because in no problem I have come across, anybody ever complained about colors being totally wrong and displays that need to be shutdown (laptop power off) otherwise the colors don't come back right..

Could it be the voltage used by the graphics adapter ?
or the sync ?
something one can change ?


Tino Prinz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Prinz, Konstantin
Gesendet am: Montag, 29. Oktober 2001 19:13
Betreff: [Xpert]Trident Cyber9397, 4MB gives wrong colors

Hi folks,
Im desparate!
I have a PII-300 Notebook w/ 256MB RAM and 20GB HDD
It has a Trident Cyber 9397 rev 243 chipset w/ 4096kb SGRAM
I just installed SuSe 7.3 with XFree86 v. 4.1.0
I want to use 1024x768 16bit
Runlevel 3 ist fine, 1024 resolution, great colors, all perfect, but as soon as I start X...
I tried a lot of goofing around in the XF86Config(-4), but whatever I change (hsync and vrefresh rates) the colors stay off, sometimes more psycheldelic than others. It looks like way less that 65k colors though.

Anything easy I overlooked ?




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