>I am having problems with my  keyboard and XFree86 4.1.0.
>I get random 'doublestrokes' when I type while in X.
>"Tthis  iis what happpeens sometimes when I type."

Hi Steve:

This is not a solution to your problem, but it may help with diagnosis 
and as a workaround:

Try running accessX (available as part of the XKB extension which you 
should have installed) - there are command line and GUI tools for 
running and configuring it lots of places, try

If you run with the bouncekeys option enabled (turns on debounce) you 
can set the keybounce delay to reject key 'bounces' (multiple presses in 
quick succession).  If this doesn't solve your problem then you are 
probably in real trouble ;-)

anyway this will probably help in the diagnosis.  You might play with 
other accessX options as well; by default I think it turns keyrepeat off 
entirely, you can set the repeat delay and repeat interval also.


>I  have adjusted the autorepeat "1500 3" and have even xset -r, and
>neither have any effect.  Does anyone know how  I can go about solving
>this problem? And if not.  Which source files should I start looking at
>to try to fix at the source level?
>This is a laptop (Toshiba Satellite 5005-S504) with 85 keys.  All the
>keys work fine except for the random double stroking.  Also, if anyone
>is working  on a driver for the GeForce2 Go chipset I will be willing
>to test as  I use FreeBSD, and can't use the NVidia linux drivers, so
>I'm using the  VESA driver.  
>This keyboard problem happens in both Linux and FreeBSD and only under 
>At  the console prompt it works correctly.
>-- Steve
>Xpert mailing list

Bill Haneman x19279
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland 

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