On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Bruce Kall wrote:

> How can I get XFree to offer me a PseudoColor 8bit visual
> when I startup X with a DefaultDepth of 24?  On my Sun,
> it will offer a PseudoColor visual when in 24 bit mode,
> but XFree (at least by default) on my RH7.1 box 
> does not offer a PseudoColor
> visual when you start up in 16, 24 or 32 bit DefaultDepth.
> (Note: This is so I can run an older application that will
> only run under a PseudoColor visual). I'm running 4.0.3.

Have you looked in the archives ?
If you have  a Matrox card (or a 3Dlabs Oxygen, or a #99 card)
use the "Overlay" option in the device section of your config file.

If not you can't. I have half an idea how to implement 8bit Pseudo
on most 24bit cards, but I'm not even going to start looking at it
until 4.2.0 is out.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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