On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, James Farwell wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have recently been trying to run MAME in fullscreen mode using 
> XFree86 4.1.0 on a Matrox G550.  MAME works great in a window, but 
> when I try to fullscreen it DGA 2.0 starts up, it kicks in to 
> 640x480x16 mode, but then instead of MAME filling the screen it shows 
> up in *2*  little sections at the top of screen, where the left 
> section seems to contain every other scanline, and the right section 
> seems to contain the missing scanlines.  The pallete is also mangled 
> pretty horridly and seems to consist primarily of black, white, cyan, 
> magenta, and green.  I have no idea if this is a problem with my MAME 
> or DGA or what.  Does anyone know what could be the problem or how I 
> would go about testing things to find what might be the problem? 
> Thanks!

   Sounds like Mame is trying to draw 320x240 on a 640x480 surface,
hence the to half-height sections side-by-side.  Sounds like a MAME


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