
I have a Diamond FireGL1 graphic card, which uses an IBM 256-bit graphics rasterizer chipset. My Linux is Red Hat 7.2 with XFree86 4.1.0, and I had to use a graphic card driver from ATI website to get X work. Now I want to remotely run some application (on Sun Solaris machines), which requires pseudocolor visual. So my questions are:
1) How can I configure XFree86 to enable pseudocolor overlay in a truecolor X session? (sorry, I couldn't find the answer on XFree86.org)
2) Is FireGL1 supported for this purpose? I tried to startx with 8bit color depth and it failed. But from the card specifications in User’s Guide it seems it may be capable:

Overlay: 24-bit Z- buffer, 4-bit double-buffer, 8-bit single-buffer

Graphics Modes: 1280x1024, color bits 24, alpha bits 8, line frequency 75.0 93.8 106.3, refresh rate 60 75 85

3) Also can someone recommend a good reference to X windows basics?

Thank you.


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