On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 02:37:01PM +0000, John Peter Tapsell wrote:
> Hi,
>   In a console, pressing ctrl+s  turns on the scroll lock indicator, halts 
> output etc then pressing scroll lock turns it off. (pressing ctrl+s again 
> does not work)
> However, in an X-term, ctrl+s again halts output etc, but I cannot find a way 
> to turn it off again.  It is really annoying because I do   ctrl+k s    to 
> save in joe, but keep doing ctrl+s by mistake, which then freezes the xterm, 
> with no way to unfreeze it
> Any Ideas?

ctrl-q unlocks the scroll lock

/Peter Toneby
Alpha Test Version:  Too buggy to be released to the paying public. 
Beta Test Version:  Still too buggy to be released. 
Release Version:  Alternate pronunciation of "Beta Test Version". 
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