
In order to have Xvideo extension working on
a trident Cyberblade Ai1d, I have to modify  the
test :

if (pTrident->Chipset <= CYBERBLADEI7D)

in the function TRIDENTInitVideo from the file trident_video.c

So the result is :

     * The following has been tested on:
     * 9525         : flags: None
     * CyberBlade/i7: flags: VID_ZOOM_INV | VID_ZOOM_MINI
     * Cyber 9540   : flags: VID_ZOOM_INV | VID_SHIFT_4
     * When you make changes make sure not to break these
     * Add new chipsets to this list.
    if (pTrident->Chipset >= BLADE3D) {
       pTrident->videoFlags = VID_ZOOM_INV ;
    if (pTrident->Chipset <= CYBERBLADEAI1D)
  pTrident->videoFlags |= VID_ZOOM_MINI;
  pTrident->videoFlags |= VID_OFF_SHIFT_4;

Xv video works, however, when resizing the video while
playing, sometimes, especially when the window is set very small,
the image dimension does not fit the window and seems to be very

Furthermore, in order to avoid a blue line at the left, I must
modufy the lines :
    tx1 = dstBox->x1 + pTrident->hsync - 2;
    tx2 = dstBox->x2 + pTrident->hsync + 2;

in TRIDENTDisplayVideo

Finally, I have noticed that in fullscreen mode, the last line is corrupted
but does not change while the movie is running.


)   Jacques GANGLOFF
(   Associate Professor
(   Bd Sébastien Brant
)   67400 Illkirch
(   Tel : +33 (0)3 90 24 44 68
)   Fax : +33 (0)3 90 24 44 80
(   http://gravir.u-strasbg.fr

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