On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 05:27:06PM +0000, Simon Harvey wrote:
> I've been having problems for a while with my Voodoo3 2000PCI and XFree86
> (what I thought was overheating:
> http://www.xfree86.org/pipermail/xpert/2001-August/010690.html )
> Having searched through tdfx_driver.c in CVS, and looked at the
> voodoo3_spec pdf, I'm pretty sure the problem is due to the memory delay
> settings.
> The defaults given for the DRAMINIT1 register in the 3dfx specs seem to
> differ from those in the actual BIOS if the following info is correct:
> http://www.v3info.de/english/html/memdocs.shtml
> Specifically Bit13 (sg_clk_nodelay) is clear, not set as in tdfx_driver,
> and depending on the BIOS, various delays are imposed on reading from the
> SGRAM (set by bits 19-16). The oflop_del_adj bits differ too. I've a
> V3-2000PCI, BIOS 2.15.06, btw.
> It's entirely possible I haven't got a clue about any of this but couldn't
> the BIOS value for DRAMINIT1 be left unchanged unless some XF86Config
> setting says otherwise? The "we've never had a problem with them [V3/V5]"
> comment in the source made me smile. The lack of any fan near my V3
> probably just exacerbates any marginal memory access settings; the hard
> lockup only occurs in a program which uses nearly 100% of texture memory
> and has very low CPU overhead (84fps in 1024x768) - and never a problem in
> Win98.
> Please tell me if I'm wrong; I'm not sure who's currently working on this
> driver,
Ooops. Noticed you've got a V3 and not a Banshee.

If you change that ifdef to PCI_CHIP_VOODOO3 does it help your problem ?

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