On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 11:05:52PM -0800, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>  On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Brian McGroarty wrote:
>  > Which, if any, drivers support DVI-D displays?
>  >
>  > I've a multi-headed flat panel system, using multiple nvidia cards
>  > under Windows. The nvidia driver doesn't support multiple cards
>  > properly, and the nv driver doesn't seem to support DVI-D displays at
>  > all. I'm wondering which cards I should replace my secondary/tertiary
>  > cards with in order to have 3 DVI heads.
>    I have no problems with multiple cards with the "nvidia" driver.
> A dual head system (GeForce2 GTS + TNT2) is my primary development
> machine.

Would you share your config file? Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

I'd still like to know if Radeon, Matrox or similar will handle
multiple DVI-D heads with the open drivers. I dislike having to rely
on something to which I have no source.
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