Now that it's Monday and you all read list mail again:

I fixed the sisfb driver for use with LVDS video (LCD) bridges including
the CHROMTEL 7005 TV converter. A lot of laptops using the SiS630 do not
use the SiS301 but this one instead.

The driver has only one problem: It doesn't know about timings, refresh
rates and other data specific for various LCD panels and TV connectors.
Instead, the current code contains empty tables for this. I inserted
data read out from the BIOS to make it run on my machine. This is, of
course, no solution. (I have only one machine with one 1024x768 LCD
panel, so I can't ever find out all combinations for other, larger or
smaller panels.)

I will release a (quite huge) patch on the kernel list within the next
few days where I will also change the driver to use the BIOS data (like
the X driver does). Otherwise it will never work with bidges other than
the SiS301.

By the way: I had to implement about 200 changes into the code because
somebody tried to implement support for SiS301B and 302 bridges, and
broke LVDS instead. This code that this somebody wrote could by no means
ever have worked on _any_ machine with a bridge other than SiS301
because of major programming glitches (using pointers and arrays doesn't
seem to be that simple :) ).

Have patience, 


PS: In the meantime I kindly ask you to test the driver published
yesterday (available on my homepage, link below, follow link "Linux on
Gericom..." and scroll down). Please check the log for what video bridge
the driver detects and report your results. I am waiting impatiently.

On my machine (SiS630 rev 31, LVDS+CHROMTEL bridge) the driver works
perfectly, as long as I keep the TurboQueue disabled. I used it the last
two days (day = 18 hours) and stress-tested it. Absolutely no problems

Thomas Winischhofer
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