I'm actually very happy with XFree86 on my Solaris 8/Sparcstation
20/onboard CG14 w/4MB VSIMM box.  I don't know if its my particular
hardware/drivers, or the X clients that I am running, but the OpenWindows
Xsun that comes with solaris is a monster!!  Sun's Xsun server balloons up
to 300 megs, and usually forces me to hardware reset my system after
it crashes it. (even stop-a doesn't work)

Right now I'm running tons of GTK apps on XFree86 on my SS20, including
mozilla, and the Xsun process size is only 13MB.  It would probably be
300MB if I was running Solaris Xsun. Thank you for saving me XFree86!

Anyway, on to my configuration problems.  I can't figure out how to make
the Xserver run in 24-bit color!

Like I said before, my system is a Sun Sparcstation 20 with on board SX
video with a 4 meg VSIMM.  That means its a cgfourteen that is capable of
running 1168x900 (or whatever the standard sun res is) @ 24 bits per

I have compiled XFree86 4.1.0 from source with gcc-2.95.3 on this Solaris
8 box.  I had a couple of false starts, but I figured out I needed to
"#define Xsun24Server YES" and the other Xsun's NO in my site.def.  I have
Xsun24 in my XFree86/bin directory and that is what is run when I run
startx and X.

But it only runs in 8 bit color!  After a little bit of research, I
discovered that the Xsun in XFree86 does not abide my the same rules as
the PC version of the X server.  No XF86Config or anything of the sort, I
have to use the command line options described in "man Xsun" and "man

>From what I understand from these man pages (though they do not mention
the cg14), Xsun should autodetect my card and pick the highest supported
depth.  There is no -depth or -fbbpp option with Xsun (that I have

Now on to what or what not may be a bug...  I did a "X -fbinfo" or
"Xsun24 -fbinfo" or "startx -- -fbinfo" (its all the same), and I found
out this:

Usually when I start my SS20 it goes into dtlogin (the Openwindows version
of XDM).  At that point I select the "Command line login option",
Solaris then kills its OpenWindows XServer, and I login and run "startx --
-fbinfo". When I do this, XFree86 starts, and it tells me "The framebuffer
is really a tcx" (remember, its a cg14).  xfree then starts in 8-bit

I have discovered, after I do a "dtconfig -d" and reboot, xfree86 no
longer starts.  "dtconfig -d" disables dtlogin, and basically what this
boils down to is that I am not running solaris Xsun before xfree86 Xsun24.
xfree86 will not start on my SS20 unless the solaris version of Xsun has
already been run once since the last bootup.  When I run "startx --
-fbinfo" in these circumstances, it tells me "The frambuffer is really a
cg8" (like I said before, its a cg14), then it crashes, saying something
about a FBIO error or something.  I can reply with the exact error mesage
if necessary.

So, my main problem is that I can't run in 24-bit color.  Also however,
there is the problem of xfree86 not starting on this system without the
Sun xserver having been starting once.

thanks for your help, and thanks for XFree86!
Jim Faulkner

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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