I hope the subject has caught the eyes of the right people on this

I have a modestly rich graphics setup here.  In my workstation I have
a Matrox G400 and and ATI Rage IIC.  I have the ATI card hooked up to
a 19" monitor (1600x1200) and the first display of the G400 on an
almost identical monitor (@1600x1200 as well) and the 2nd head of the
G400 on a TV set using the TV-Out feature (of course @640x480).

I have many "layouts" for these three screens but my current
production one is:

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "All"
    Screen     "screen_1-ATI"
    Screen     "screen_1-G400" RightOf "screen_1-ATI"
    Screen     "screen_2-G400-tv" RightOf "screen_1-G400"
    InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"

And this works just peachy.  I can put apps on different screens by
using :0.0, :0.1 and :0.2.  All of the displays look great.

I am trying to use Xinerama on this layout by adding:

    Option "xinerama" "on"

And it works fine with one exception.  On the TV-Out display (my TV,
with a composite signal in) I get some lines stretching across about
25% of the way across the TV screen from the left (where it joins
screen 2).  There are about 30 or so I would guess and they seem to
have a color reaction with whatever is display below (usually video).

The lines start at the left edge of the tube, not the X display
area... so they actually start in the black border around the X
display area.  These look exactly like I am drivig the TV set to hard
(if that is possible).

Funny thing is, they are only there with Xinerama on.  If I turn it
off, they go away.



Brian J. Murrell
Xpert mailing list

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