I reported a bug a while ago about the mouse pointer graphic getting out of
sync with the actual hot spot of the mouse pointer. I've since updated X
server and the problem is reduced but still present.

The problem isn't gone, however it's slightly changed. Instead of jumping 8
pixels and having the mouse pointer be offset 0-7 pixels the jump increment is
now 4 pixels. This is much less intrusive however it's still broken. The mouse
pointer is still off by as much as 3 pixels. And the jumping is still somewhat
annoying compared with the smooth scrolling of old.

What's odd is it only seems to happen in 640x480 and above. The behaviour is
different at 320x240. Under 320x240 the screen still pans in increments of 4
but the mouse cursor warps back 4 pixels when it does. So the mouse stays
aligned. Under 640x480 the hot point is up to four pixels ahead of the screen
panning even though the graphic doesn't move, then when the screen pans four
pixels it catches up with the mouse pointer graphic.

I mentioned in my original report that the jump scrolling is a terrible
misfeature. It's visually distracting and very annoying. Is there any way to
turn it off and get back the slick smooth scrolling that xfree86 v3 had?


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