Zheng BaoJian wrote:
> Jeffrey H. Ingber wrote:
> >The -bpp switch will only have an effect if the cooresponding color
> >depths are defined in the XF86Config-4 file.  So, if you want to switch
> >between 8 and 24bpp by invoking X as such: (X ... -bpp 8/24), you'll
> >need both color depths defined in the config file in your "Screen"
> >section like so:
> >
> >Section "Screen"
> >        Identifier   "Screen0"
> >
> >...
> >...
> >...
> >        Subsection "Display"
> >                Depth           8
> >                Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
> >                Viewport        0       0
> >        EndSubsection
> >
> >        Subsection "Display"
> >                Depth           16
> >                Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
> >                Viewport        0       0
> >        EndSubsection
> >
> >...
> >...
> >...
> >
> >EndSection
> >
> >Jeffrey H. Ingber (jhingber _at_ ix.netcom.com)
> >
> >
> >On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 02:12, Zheng BaoJian wrote:
> >
> >>Hello:
> >>I meat a problem when using multiple mode in XFree86 under linux: now i
> >>use some asic applications,some of these use pseudocolor(bpp 8),others
> >>use truecolor(bpp 24),so i must change the config file - XFree86config-4
> >>again and again,i tried to start X multiple mode ,but failed,my command
> >>line as below: X -query server-ip :1 -bpp 8or24,the color depth
> >>arguments of command line didn't take affect,it only start X with the
> >>file-XF86config set.
> >>who can help me?
> >>
> >>--
> >>Baojian Zheng
> >>Institute of Computing Technology
> >>Chinese Academy of Sciences
> >>P.O. Box 2704-25
> >>Beijing, China,100080
> >>Tel: 86-10-62565533 ex. 9311
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> Hello:
> Thanks your reply,i tried as your said,but take no effect.X only start
> use the DefaultColorDepth in XF86config-4,so i have a new idea,i start X
> with multiple files XF86config-4,do you know how to start x with
> multiple config file?

What does the log file say?  Check /var/log/XFree86.?.log.  What does it
say about the -bpp option you passed?

Oh, -bpp is deprecated, use -depth instead.  Also, passing a bad option
to X (ie. X -bogus) will print all server command line options.  There
is an option to use a config file on the command line.

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