Hi all,

        Until various Brave Souls "port" the Linux NVIDIA binary driver to
FreeBSD, I'm stuck with XFree's vesa driver, which will only let me run
at 1280x1024x16 (whereas I'd like 1600x1024x24). At any rate, it's
horribly slow, blah blah, but other than that it appears to work
perfectly: I can see what I'm typing on the screen.

        In the interest of improved speed (read: I want my CPU back), I'd like
to use the nv driver, but for some reason I can only get complete
garbage out of this. Attempting to set modelines (some of which work
100% with identical hardware running Linux and the NVIDIA binary driver)
is of no use whatsoever.

        What's the story? Is there some secret GeForce timing selection, only
known to NVIDIA, which is invoked when "vesa" asks for a particular
mode, but is simply beyond the grasp of "nv", presumably due to a lack
of documentation?

        Is there any way I can prod the nv driver to spit out the same DVI
signal as the vesa driver?

        Thanks in advance,


P.S. Someone remind me to stay well clear of NVIDIA.

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