On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 01:55:59PM +0100, Dag B wrote:
> As people are re-encoding AVIs to mpeg on the fly to display AVIs on the
> dxr3's TVout, I wonder: would it be possible to use the dxr3 as a general
> TV-out card?


> I.e. display the desktop on your TVset.
> Anyone care to "think aloud" about this?
> Is the only way to encode continuous desktop snapshots? (I guess this would
> be really slow.) 
> Or is there a way to access and encode the VGA framebuffer to mpeg on the
> fly?

I don't know about the VGA framebuffer side, but there are two options
for the em8300.  First option is encoding to mpeg as you mention.
Second option is writing directly to the video encoder framebuffer on
the dxr3.  I don't know if this can be done fast enough, however, as
there is only a single port that all the data must be sent via.  I
believe it was designed for taking snapshots of the video, not full
framerate grabbing/displaying.  Maybe it'll work.


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