> >     the other problem with the G450 is that when running with 2 heads,
> > the memory isn't split 50/50; it's split 75/25. the second head only gets
> > 8MB of video ram. ~~;( 
> Have you tried either
>         Option     "Crtc2Half"                 # [<bool>]
> or
>         Option     "Crtc2Ram"                  # <i>
> ? Without either of these options crtc2 is limited to 8MB, since it
> is more limited in the resolutions and refresh rates that it supports.

        aha. so that's what that option does. I'll give it a try soon. 
        it's not documented in the mga man page (yet), and the name isn't
intuitive, so I didn't guess to try that option. :)

> > does anyone know if the dual-head Radeons do anything similarly stupid?
> I understand that the Radeon driver drives the 2 heads in a completely 
> different way from the Matrox driver; the XFree86 code for the MGAs takes 
> the easy way out and pretends that there are two independant frame buffers,
> while the Radeon driver has two windows into one large frame buffer,
> so this problem shouldn't arise.

        interesting. I see that www.compgeeks.com has dual-head Radeon VEs
for $70. maybe I ought to get one and try it out.

> > what about the G550?
> Same drivers as the G400 and G450. Don't know how the Matrox provided 
> driver works on any of these cards.
        I used to use the Matrox binary drivers a long time ago, before X
supported the G450 well. didn't like them vey much at all. :(
        as it is, when I get around to it, I'll try building CVS X with the
matrox driver source patched in, to see if that fixes my DRI problems. I
don't have much hope, tho. :(

> >     also keep in mind that you'll need to turn up the AGP speed on the
> > second head in order to get a decent dotclock limit. otherwise your max
> > refresh rates will *suck*.
> Is the driver using the G400 limits, where the second head was very 
> limited ?
        no, it's not the G400 limits; at AGP 1x, the dotclock maximum is
actually *lower* than a G400s. 112Mhz, I believe, where I think the G400
limits the dotclock to 120-something. I don't think my workstation at work
(where I have a G400) supports more than AGP 1x, tho; so I can't test the
G400 at higher AGP rates.

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700
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