First sorry about my ugly English.

I use Mandrake Linux 8.1 with XFree-4.1.0 and they work fine. But I like to
get the greater performance compiling applications with athlon optimizations.

Recently I downloaded XFree86-4.1.0 souces in order to compile it with a
recently compiled and succesfuly instaled gcc-3.0.3.

I followed instructions (and I modified configuration files to get athlon
specific code) and the "make World" stage was succesful. But the "make
install" stage stops with following message:

installing in programs/glxinfo...
make[3]: Cambiando a directorio `/home/src/xfree/xc/programs/glxinfo'
rm -f glxinfo
gcc -o glxinfo -O2 -mcpu=athlon -march=athlon -ansi -pedantic -Wall
-Wpointer-arith     -L../../exports/lib glxinfo.o -lGLU -lGL -lXext -lX11
-lpthread -lm   -Wl,-rpath-link,../../exports/lib
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__pure_virtual'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__rtti_user'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__rethrow'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `terminate(void)'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__builtin_vec_new'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__builtin_vec_delete'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__builtin_delete'
../../exports/lib/ undefined reference to `__builtin_new'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [glxinfo] Error 1
make[3]: Saliendo directorio `/home/src/xfree/xc/programs/glxinfo'
make[2]: *** [install] Error 2
make[2]: Saliendo directorio `/home/src/xfree/xc/programs'
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make[1]: Saliendo directorio `/home/src/xfree/xc'
make: *** [install] Error 2

I added -fno-rtty and I got no more rtti messages, then I added -fno-builtins
but I still get "buitin" undefined references. I readed gcc docs and they
says that __builtin_new, __builtin_vec_new, set_new_handler,
__builtin_delete, and __builtin_vec_delete were removed from gcc in 1997.

What am I doing wrong?, Is gcc-3.0.3 incompatible with XFree86?

best regards.

Francisco Lazur
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