On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Rene Rebe wrote:

> Does anyone know what this "Megerd" dual-head mode is the libHAL
> additionally offers?
> You may need the libHAL for getting a TV-video-out, digital-LCD out
> and the addtional "merged"-xinerama mode.

The "merged/xinerama" mode allows you to have one large frame-buffer
(the virtual desktop) with the two heads showing two windows into this
picture. In the simplest case this looks like xinerama, although it may
(I don't have a G450) also allow you to move one or both heads around
the virtual desktop, perhaps one screen showing everything, and the other
one a zoomed in view of part of the picture.

Without this feature, the driver pretends that the card has two
completely separate framebuffers, and then Xinerama pretends that
these separate framebuffers are one.
Pretending twice reduces the flexibility and imposes restrictions.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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