I was happily running my system with SuSE 6.3, kernel 2.5.2, Asus A7V, 
Matrox G400 dual head (Matrox drivers, but it worked with XFree drivers 
too), mouse Microsoft Intellimouse w/IntelliEye USB (the best mouse 
ever) and XFree 4.1.0. I upgraded to 4.2.0 while keeping the 
/etc/X11/Xf86Config. The old installation was simply overtwritten. Now 
dual head support is gone (second screen is blank) and support for the 
mouse wheel disappeared. I replaced the XFree drivers with the Matrox 
drivers for the G400 and dualhead support is back.
The mouse wheel, on the contrary, refuses to work, no matter what I do.
What can be wrong?

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