On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, FITZSIMMONS THOMAS wrote:

> I'm trying to get X to output to a Hantarex MTC 9000 arcade monitor.

> With the attached configuration, I'm getting a horizontal band
> covering about 1/5th of the screen's height that
> displays perfectly, and that seems to follow the vertical location that
> the mouse cursor would be at, except that the cursor doesn't display.

> Above this band, the screen is blackish, with thin vertical lines, and
> below the band, it displays alternating light and dark vertical stripes.

> When I specify the SWCursor option to the ati driver, the entire screen
> displays
> only the alternating light and dark vertical stripes.

> Any ideas what is wrong?

You say 15kHz, yet your XF86Config clamps hsync to 15.125-16.125, and the
mode you're using syncs at 15.6kHz.  That might be a difference that's
significant enough.  Try an hsync range of 14.75 - 16.25, and a dot clock
of 9.6 MHz.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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