> Luckily there is actually a protocol in the ICCCM for the window manager
> to the send the application a polite request to shutdown, and this
> is what the 'X' typically does, though many window managers will
> also have an option for more forceful xkill style termination.
> (After all, the app should have the option to put up a dialog about
> saving unsaved files, or whatever.)
> >    Any client can install a handler via Xlib to respond to this
> > occurance.  Most don't.  They probably should given how the same
> > problem would happen just by "closing" the window.
> Unfortunately, it's very hard to react to losing the connection to
> the X server cleanly... the error handler you install is not allowed
> to return, so basically all you can do is hope that your app is
> sufficiently reentrant from whatever place was making the X call
> to allow you to do an autosave. (Interaction with the user is clearly
> not possible.)
> This, BTW, makes it impossible to write an X app that robustly
> connects to multiple displays and cleans up when it loses the connection
> to one of them... I think Jim said something about having plans to
> fix this at some point.

Yeah, on list of things to do, but I have bit of a circus going on to
deal with for the next few weeks.

The sins of my past seem to be catching up with me :-(.
                     - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
Compaq Computer Corporation

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